
FDM Composite Tooling Design Guide 2.0

Introducing an updated guide for FDM Composite Tooling from Stratasys, a foundation of knowledge and information to educate and empower readers to create. Utilizing updated additive manufacturing techniques for composite tooling, users can confidently build and design the next big thing.

Updated Best Practices

Although there are many ways to approach the various challenges that can arise when designing tools for composite fabrication, the updated design guide includes recommendations for many of the common scenarios we have encountered to help ensure your success. Specifically, the guide includes updated best practices for:


More Data

The updated design guide includes test data for ULTEM 1010 material at critical cure temperatures as well as empirical data for pressure resistance of the new hexagram fill pattern, which has the potential to reduce material usage by 200%. 

The new FDM Composite Tooling Design Guide 2.0 offers a wealth of new information to help guide designers and creators towards success.


Click here to access the guide: FDM Composite Tooling Design Guide.


If you are interested in exploring this solution for your organization, please get in touch with one of our additive manufacturing experts.

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