Looking for 3D Printing Services?

We can help! Simply upload your files for a quote on a variety of dental and orthodontic applications

Complete the form below and select your application type. One of our production team members will get back to you with a quote. If your experience any upload issues please contact us and a representative will assist you.

  • Upload File Support

  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: stl, stl, iges, igs, igs, iges, solidworks, solidedge, 3dm, acis, 3dm, acis, asc, asc, asm, asm, ast, ast, catpart, catpart, cdi, cdi, dwg, dwg, dwf, dxf, prt, prt, icd, icd, ics, ics, idf, idf, idw, idw, slddrw, slddrw, sldasm, sldasm, tgz, tgz, x_t, x_t, pdf, jpeg, png, tiff, Max. file size: 50 MB.
    • Service Request Details

      • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.